
“What Do You Need?”

Approx. Read Time:
1 min
July 26, 2024 (yesterday)
Tim Keller wrote, “It’s not whether or not we have rival gods—we all do, they are hidden in every one of us. A sign is when there is something we feel we must have to be happy.” Keller wrote that one of the tests we can use to identify and dismantle a rival god is to ask the question, “What do I habitually think about that I think would bring me joy and happiness?” There could be many answers to that question.

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"Because I Said So...

Approx. Read Time:
1 min
July 19, 2024 (8 days ago)
If you are young, you have probably heard that line. If you are a parent or have been in some position of authority, you might have said that. I did. I confess that it usually came at the end of an exhausting argument about “why” something had to be the way I said it had to be. I was done with logic, and I had exhausted my relational capital and simply wanted surrender.

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Hearing God

Approx. Read Time:
1 min
July 12, 2024 (15 days ago)
I have read the Bible “cover to cover” many times. A number of years ago I used a color-coded system to track various themes; I had a color for God’s speaking to man, for prayer, for heaven, hell and so forth. What really struck me was how much emphasis we give to things that the Bible doesn’t emphasize as much. I remember coming to the end of that experience thinking that the Bible is really about the relationship between God and people more than anything else.

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Approx. Read Time:
42 secs
July 5, 2024 (22 days ago)
Symbols are used to remind us of ideas. When we see a Swoosh, certain things come to mind. When we see the Golden Arches, certain things come to mind. Symbols were used before the days of mass-marketing. For many centuries, the cross, the anchor and the fish have been used as reminders of Christianity. That’s not wrong but the symbols the Lord gave us are known as “ordinances,” they are His prescribed memorials.

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Sticks and Stones...

Approx. Read Time:
0 secs
June 28, 2024 (29 days ago)
Remember? I know I’ve brought this up before but that statement that “words will never hurt me,” is so wrong. Words are from the heart, so words have meaning. Words carry a certain weight depending on who they come from. Generally, the closer we are in a relationship, the more the words weigh. If they are words of blessing from someone close, they really bless!

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