Is New Better?

July 8, 2022 (one year ago)

Most of us like new things from time to time. New clothes, new gadgets and new appliances can be a genuine source of encouragement. Sometimes newer is better, but not always. For example; some of the newer furniture is junk, some of the new “toys” for kids have a very short life and some of the new gadgets are designed to be obsolete within a few years. Newer isn’t always better. However, in the case of the New Covenant, newer is better! The Old Covenant was good in that it accomplished what it was designed to do. However, it was weak in that permanent forgiveness was not available and the disposition required to live the righteous life that God designed us for was missing. Under the New Covenant; because of the obedience of Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit, we can be confident of forgiveness, relationship and a new disposition. The New Covenant is the guarantee we needed to proceed with spiritual formation. Without the promises and provision of God, we’d just have to “try harder” and we’d still fall short of the glory of God. So, yes, in this case, newer is definitely better and we are blessed people to be living under the promises of the New Covenant!