The Weight of Glory

June 21, 2024 (4 months ago)

Some of you will recognize that phrase as the title of an essay written by C.S. Lewis. If you have never had the privilege of reading it, take an hour at some point in your day to stop and meditate on this classic piece of writing. You might not grasp all the concepts, but you will be better informed for having tried, and if you apply what he wrote, you’ll be becoming a better person and a better friend. Both in and out of the church, people have recognized that character is not given at birth, it is formed by our life choices. We are all becoming someone. Our trajectory is not fixed by some mathematical formula, fate or determinist god. It’s true that our life circumstances, trauma and education (or lack thereof) will have an impact on who we become. But the biggest factor in that process is what we do with the invitation of Jesus to follow Him. He is very concerned about who we are becoming and even sent His Spirit to be our Comforter and Counselor! But, He said we’d need to deny ourselves, make an unwavering commitment and then follow Him if we are going to be like Him. The greatest hindrance to godly character is self. If we think we know best, if we think we know what life is about and the best way to live apart from the brilliance of Jesus, we will find ourselves becoming something we were never intended to be. Because of His mercy and goodness, it’s not too late to turn toward Him and His ways today. That’s repentance, it is the kindness and assistance of His Spirit that makes it possible. Who are you becoming? How are you helping others become what they were designed to be? Glory is weighty matter.