Walk with God

February 9, 2024 (5 months ago)

One of the highlights of my marriage to Amanda over the years has been our walks. We’ve walked through rain, snow, and sand. We’ve walked in the morning, the heat of the day, and at pitch dark. We’ve walked when we’ve been sad, glad, and mad! Walks have been good for us these nearly 3 decades. This Sunday, we’re going to look at a few people in Scripture who “walked with God”. What is that all about? Is that something reserved just for Bible characters or can we do it too?

Let’s break the phrase down for a minute. First, “walk”. Walk is an ordinary word. It’s what regular people do. When Scripture uses the analogy of walking, as in Ephesians 5:2 “walk in love”, it means we are to infuse our everyday, run of the mill life with love. So to walk with God does not mean doing something heroic or notable, it means to invite God into our routine, to share life with Him. We can do this when paying bills, tucking the kids in, fixing the car, or sharing a meal. He cares about us and everything that concerns us!

Second, “with”. With is a word of companionship. Studies have shown that we become like the 5 people we spend the most time with. Alarming, isn’t it!? J Seriously, what if we learned to spend more time with God? I don’t mean our quiet time. I mean our life. Becoming a friend of God is something Abraham did, why not us? How might God rub off on us?

Third, “God”. God is the only One Who could pull this off. Not even the mightiest angel could walk with all of us. Everything in creation is limited by time and space. But God has no limits. He can literally walk with any and all of us – at the same time!

Most of us have tasted of this walk with Him. I hope on Sunday to whet your appetite to press in even more to your walk with God. “Further up and further in!” Our best days are in front of us, beloved. Let’s live them with Him.

Guest Blogger: Pastor Bart Bouman