
February 2, 2024 (5 months ago)

I just wrote about this a few weeks ago. Then we were “snowed out” and other things were scheduled, so this week we’re back to the subject of suffering—again. Suffering is even more universal than Coca-Cola or Microsoft. There is not a place on this planet that is exempt from suffering. It comes in different forms, different intensities and has varying durations but everybody gets in on the action. Believers know why this is true, we have been living under the curse of Adam and Eve for thousands of years and we are “born to trouble,” Job said, “as the sparks fly upward!” Jesus said that in this world we would have trouble. He followed that with the reminder that He had overcome the world, but that doesn’t negate the trouble we’re in right now! Sure, there is a day coming that will be without the troubles we are currently experiencing, but there is a lot of suffering present at this very hour—even if we’re not in a war-torn country. How are we supposed to deal with this reality? First, remember that some suffering is avoidable, consequences are real. Second, remember that some suffering is corrective, let’s learn. Third, some suffering is because we are on the winning side, sometimes we suffer for doing good. Finally, some suffering is a mystery. The question for that kind of suffering is not, “Why is this happening?” The question is, “How do I glorify God in this situation?” This can get very complicated and thankfully, we have an understanding Father that knows we are made of dust. To all those who are suffering today, remember that you are not alone. He is with you, He loves you and to Him who knows all things, there is a point to this struggle. Keep seeking Him.