What the World Needs Now...

December 22, 2023 (5 months ago)

“…is love, sweet love.” You’ve probably heard the song. It might be playing in your mind right now. The rest of the song goes on to say that we have enough mountains, hills, oceans, rivers, meadows etc., but what we need more of is, love. It’s not wrong. As I mentioned here last week there are at least 32 wars going on right now of different sizes in various places around the world. The problem isn’t love. Love is the solution. What’s interesting to me is that virtually everything on this planet is doing what it was designed to do except the humans. We have been the worst at carrying out the purpose of the Creator’s design. Everybody knows it. We all know there is something wrong with the human race. Why don’t we love each other? We can’t agree on the solution because we’d have to give up our “god-hood.” Billions of people are playing at their god-hood. Believing they are sovereign, that their reality should be everyone’s reality, they clamor, fight and war to have their way. If people made in the image of God actually reflected the image of God instead of trying to be God, there would be more “love, sweet love.” Instead, we have “lust, sick lust,” and “war, sad war.” One of the reminders of the Advent Season is that love and light has come. Jesus Christ is the Light of the world and He loves us. The most shocking display of His love is the cross. He demonstrates His love for us in this way, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. We should not think about the Cradle without thinking about the Cross, and the Resurrection, and the Ascension and, Pentecost. The “Christ-event” is all encompassing. It was love that motivated His arrival, and it is love that should characterize our lives.