Spiritual Health

November 17, 2023 (one year ago)

Guest Blogger: Pastor Bart Bouman

When someone asks us, “How are you doing?”, it’s common to answer with how we are doing physically. Why? Because our physical health is something that affects all of us and something that matters to all of us. God gave us a body and expects us to take care of it!

Of course, there is no end to the number of opinions on how to take good care of your body. Vitamins, filtered water, fresh air, sunshine, de-stress, laughter, eyeglasses, etc. Of course, these are all good ideas unless you have 20/20 vision in which case save the glasses for when you turn 50! But any doctor worth their salt will tell you that there are three basics to health: diet, exercise, and rest. Beyond these three we need to add “time” to the list. I remember as a boy learning that carrots improved my vision. I’d eat one then look at a spot on the wall to see what difference it made. You can imagine my disappointment.

Health for our mind or inner life is not much different. There are “basics” to health. Don’t get caught up with the latest and greatest fad. Maybe it’ll help, maybe it won’t. But the tried-and-true trio of Word, Prayer, Spirit will never let us down. Regarding the Word, isn’t it amazing how much difference time in Scripture can make on our attitude? Regarding Prayer, how many times have we been weighed down with burdens only to bring them to our Good Father and see how He works it out! Regarding the Spirit, think of all the times when you sensed Him at work in and through you. We are not alone, beloved. He is with us. And day by day (there’s that time idea) God is working to make us healthier spiritually. As Paul said, “Though our outward man is perishing, our inner man is being renewed day by day.” 2 Corinthians 4:16. Take heart, He is on the job. And what He begins He will surely finish.