
June 2, 2023 (11 months ago)

Getting a big inheritance is the plot line of quite a few movies and novels. Often, the heirs don’t know what they have. As a viewer or a reader, you somehow know what the heir actually has and as he or she makes decisions that may seem pauper-like, you might even say to yourself, “If they only knew.” As the angels observe redeemed humans, I suspect they must say the same thing. Believers that strive after all the things the world strives after in order to gain wealth, fame or a legacy really have no idea of the value that is already theirs. We are joint heirs with Christ! Think of it! The universe and all that is in it is God’s and He is sharing it with His kids. We have more than a “mansion over the hilltop.” Now, don’t run out and rack up a bunch of debt because of your heavenly wealth. We are living in a time between. Some refer to our day as the tension between the “already and the not yet.” We are heirs but we are not there yet. All we have in Christ is already ours but it is not all in our possession, and you can’t use it to pay the light bill. If you wonder why Peter would make such a big deal about this to his readers, it was because of their context. They were refugees. They had been driven from their earthly home, from their inheritance, from rights to land and from stability of life. Peter never promised that they would get their earthly goods back. He did assure them that what was to come would make up for all they lost in this life. The best is yet to come!