"I Did It My Way"

April 12, 2024 (23 days ago)

Some of you will know those words from Frank Sinatra’s famous song, but they really aren’t original with him. Humans have been wanting to do things their own way for a long time. Perhaps you have struggled with wanting things your own way even today. We do have a lot of freedom over our own “kingdom,” but living in community means having to surrender once in a while. We are created beings, and we are dependent on numerous entities, especially God, our gracious Creator and Sustainer. “Clothing ourselves with humility” as Peter wrote, is an act of the will. When we choose to bring ourselves under another’s rules or wishes, we are making a choice to surrender. Doing things our own way is strongly encouraged in this culture. (Unless our own way is a choice to operate God’s way J). God’s way is frowned upon because it minimizes the god-self. But, truthfully, there are no self-made people. There are no self-actualized people. While that banter exists, those are myths. The reality is that those who humble themselves under the mighty hand of God are the ones who are lifted up. We see this quite clearly in the book of Ruth. If you listen to the sermon this week, try to pay attention to the spirit of Ruth. She was not a wimp, but she also knew when her will needed to be brought under the will of another. Self-will has a lot of appeal but it would have been Ruth’s ruin. She didn’t do it “her way.” She honored the Law, she honored her mother-in-law and she honored the customs of her day. What the Lord did in response is still a beautiful picture of our redemption. His will be done.