Famine, Death and Love

March 8, 2024 (2 months ago)

That’s not the title of a new PBS series, that’s the outline of our next Sunday AM study. We’re starting a new series in the book of Ruth this week, and there’s something in Ruth for all of us. If you are in the middle of a trial, grieving over loss, concerned about your future or rejoicing in God’s care, you’ll find a connection point with this little Old Testament book. I have rarely attempted an Old Testament study, frankly the Old Testament intimidates me. I’ve listened to many sermons from the Old Testament and I read through it regularly but I’ve been glued to the New Testament from the pulpit for years. So, here we go. The placement of Ruth in the English Bible is like a glass of cold water on a hot day. It comes right after Judges. Judges ends in such a disgusting way, it’s hard to describe the relief that comes when one starts reading Ruth. The first part is famine and death but most of the book is about love. God’s love for people, people who begin to love God, and people who love each other. It’s a shiny diamond on a black piece of cloth. The threads of the gospel run through this book. Once we get into it, you’ll have no doubt of its importance to the overall story God has told, and is telling. If you don’t see yourself in Ruth, I pray you will, because we are all in this story. There’s some weird stuff coming in this study. Ancient Hebrew culture and customs will make us say, “Huh?” We’ll try to explain some of these details as we come to them. We’re part of a much bigger story, I’m looking forward to sharing it with you.